The Crossroads of the West
On this Mormon History of Salt Lake City Walking Tour, I’ll be guiding you step by step to the historic spots associated with the Mormon pioneers and telling you the story of the Mormons and the people that came before them.
You’ll see the pioneer museum, state house, cemeteries, beehive, lion’s den, tabernacle, LDS office, eagle’s gate, history museums, lions gate, the church, Temple square and so much more.
You’ll hear the stories and history of the people that made this their home including Brigham Young, the Native Americans, Joseph Smith, Pioneers, and the people that built this city.
And I’ll show you and you’ll have plenty of chance to stop at sites that offer free admission including museums, an observation deck, parks, and government buildings. You are free to enter, if you visit during opening hours.
Try doing that with a group tour!
The tour starts outside the State House. I’ll meet you there.