A trip to Boston is not complete without a visit to the Little Italy, the North End. Winding through the heart of this historic neighborhood is the freedom trail which connects many of the historic sites and Italian favorites.

Immigrants built America, and the North End is no exception. The British, Irish, Jewish, Africans and Italians. They all played big roles in shaping our North End.
And with them they brought food. On our tour, “The Freedom Trail Part 2 The North End” you will visit some of the best spots for authentic treats and eats.
You’ll see the Salumeria Italiana a local shop known for Olive oils, vinegars, pasta and specialty products.
Salumeria is an Italian term for a store that prepares and sells Sulumi, cured meats.
On the solo smart phone navigated tour see the best cannoli shops, the oldest Italian restaurant, Paul Revere’s home, the Old North and you’ll hear the story of immigration to the North End.
Visitors to Boston taking our “Freedom Trail Part 2 The North End” tour on the WalknTours app have said:
David, June 2021 – “Absolutely wonderful tour. If you are going to take a walking tour, this is the way to go. The narration is second to none, in character and very informative and entertaining.”
Julie “excellent!!!”
To take the Freedom Trail Part 2 the North End Tour, get the WalknTours app by clicking the links below.
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