While in Boston a must see, and effective use of time is to walk the Freedom Trial. It’s the brick path that connects the major historical sites of revolutionary Boston.
The Freedom Trail was originally created by a local journalist, William Schofield, a Boston Herald Travel writer. In 1951 he suggested creating a trail that linked up local landmarks. He outlined his plan and said:

"All I'm suggesting is that we mark out a Puritan Path or Liberty Loop or Freedom's Way or whatever you want to call it, so visitors know where to start and what course to follow... You could do the trick on a budget of just a few dollars and a bucket of paint.”
By 1953, 40,000 people had walked the trail. Today more than 3 million walk the trail annually.
On the WalknTours Freedom Trail tours you will see the most famous sites in in Boston. These include:
· The site of the Boston Massacre
· The starting point of the Boston Tea Party at the Old South Meeting House
· The Kings chapel
· The first public park in the USA, the Boston Common
· Bunker hill monument
· USS Constitution
· Old North Church
· Paul Revere’s House
· Faneuil Hall – the Cradle of Liberty
· The burial ground of Sam Adams, Paul Revere and John Hancock
· And the list goes on and on
Like any other city, walking the freedom trail solo presents the same old issue. What are you looking at? Without a tour guide you don’t know the story behind the sites and you miss out on the experience.
But traditional tours guides have their own issues.
· Who wants to listen to a 2 hours tour?
· Who likes walking at the guides pace? To fast? To slow?
· Tour guides can be inconsistent, it’s all a luck of the draw if you get a good guide.
· They usually are in large groups. Not so social distance friendly.
· And they can be pretty expensive. $30 x 4 (a family of four)
Here at WalknTours we hear you. That inspired us to develop tour experiences to give you more freedom and control. Our tours are guided by the WalknTours app, powered by the technology in your phone and led by GPS.
Our tours are on demand. Go anytime and at your own pace. Feel like stopping for a coffee break? No problem. Travel on your schedule.
Each tour is pro narrated by the best in the business and theatrically edited to give you a sense of place.. Just listen to this preview below to hear our guides in action.
So how do you take the Freedom Trail tour on the WalknTours app?
1. Download the WalknTours app, the links are below:
iPhone Download - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/walkntours/id1457662600
Android Download - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.walkntours
2. Browse the tours in Boston
We have created a large portfolio of local tours, and it’s growing every day. They are all GPS/Technology guided, pro narrated with theatrical sound and at a price you’ll love. Choose the Freedom Trail Part 1 to start the Freedom Trail. Or walk the whole freedom trail for a discount, book on Viator, link here: https://www.viator.com/tours/Boston/The-Freedom-Trail-Experience-Location-Aware-GPS-Guided-Tour/d678-222222P2
3. Choose the Freedom Trail Tour Part 1. Go to the starting point and press play
The first part of the tour alone is $5. This is the standard Freedom trail tour you would take with any guide. If you want to walk the whole trail, it’s a deal to go with viator.
Go to the start of the tour, in this case the Boston Common visitors center, put on your headphones or link a bluettooth speaker, and press play.
4. Put your phone away and experience the story heads up and hands free
WalknTours are meant to be hands free. As you walk your guide will lead you turn by turn along the freedom trail. Using the power of their walkntours technology they guide you step by step telling the story of each location along the way.
5. After you are finished walk virtually anytime
Did you ever want to hear what your guide said again? Forgot that interesting fact? With WalknTours you can Walk Virtually, allowing you to revisit the experience. And most of the tours have 360° photos.
If you are looking for an immersive tour without all the controls of a traditional tour this may be for you.
Travel on your schedule!
Welcome to the tour Revolution!
The WalknTours team